Vaping vs. Cigarettes: Which is more eco-friendly?
It’s a well-known fact that smoking cigarettes can be damaging to your health but what about the results it can do to the environment? Second-hand smoke not only affects those around you but also negatively impacts the planet. Additionally, the cigarette butts end up being tossed everywhere, in our parks to the oceans around the world. This raises the question if vaping is more sustainable and eco-friendly compared to the traditional cigarettes. Let us look at the facts.
Vaping helps reduce toxic litter
Because of the synthetic chemicals that a cigarette has, it brings more harm to other people. The sheer amount of cigarette butts discarded by smokers can take years to decompose. Tons of this toxic, non-biodegradable material ends up in the oceans and consequently in the stomachs of unsuspecting animals that mistake it for food. Studies show that when these are ingested, it can cause a number of ill effects such as tremors, vomiting and respiratory failure, and can even be fatal. These cigarette butts are the most common type of litter found in many of our public spaces. Aside from being an eyesore, they are also said to leach dangerous chemicals into the environment. The good news is that vaping requires no filters that can be littered. Most of the vapes available today are reusable and refillable, so there is very little waste produced. Compared to smoking tobacco cigarettes, it seems logical that vaping is the more eco-friendly alternative.
No second-hand smoke
By now we are all aware of the dangers of second-hand smoke. According to studies, tobacco cigarettes produce over 7000 chemicals when lit, and this includes carcinogens, toxic metals and poisonous gases. Though our immediate concern is the people around us who are likely to breathe in these toxins, it also poses a threat to the environment because of the dangerous chemicals that ultimately make their way to the atmosphere and degrading the quality of our air. Vaping, on the other hand, produces relatively less harmful chemicals when used and are proven to have lower concentrations of carcinogens compared to the traditional tobacco cigarettes. Because the vapour from vapes is mostly just water and nicotine gas, you are more likely to reduce your carbon footprint and help keep the atmosphere unpolluted.